Wednesday 4 September 2013


This post comes a little late, as I stupidly managed to delete the whole thing somehow before I published it. The next few minutes will be spent getting frustrated, trying to remember what I wrote. Well this got off to a bad start, didn't it? On the plus side, I am getting some practice with the new bluetooth keyboard (it's quite small, so I often type the wrong letters, or type nothing at all).

I have been busying myself with the task of finding out what I have and haven't already got for university. We've had a trip to Wilkinson's so far, and I am now the proud owner of a sieve, a pan that cost under £3, a wooden spoon that cost 37p, and a set of weighing scales. Not to mention the measuring jug that my mum is jealous of!

Buying all these things, which in my house, I don't need to exclusively own, has made me a little nervous about being on my own, properly, for the first time in my life. But also, I am excited about being more independent and meeting new people, that sort of thing. Freshers starts in about 2 weeks, and looks like it's going to be a lot of fun, too.

The students' union at the University of Southampton is brilliant; I remember last summer they hired a petting zoo for the students, to de-stress for exams. If you want to see what they got up to, follow this link:
I hope they do it again this year, because I think it's a brilliant idea!

I think that's it for today, and my next post may come from my new bedroom (that sounds weird. New bedroom. I wonder how long I can keep it tidy for!),

I'll post soon anyway,


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