Friday 20 September 2013

Essential equipment

As a lovely surprise from my parents, I got a waterproof camera yesterday, and most of this morning has been spent experimenting with it. I still don't 100% trust that I can submerge this piece of electrical equipment completely and it'll be fine, but it has taken several trips in to the fish tank, and it still works, so I should be OK.

I've now decided that is is the most ESSENTIAL piece of equipment for my course, and it will be joining me when my fellow marine biology/oceanography students and I go on our sea survival course! It will involve actually using the life rafts you only see on television- the ones that look like a floating tent. I'm probably going to have far too much fun, especially now I can record it.

Below are some of the results of playing with the camera this morning in the fish tank. I'm quite proud of the results, although it took a while for the fish to swim close enough and slow enough to get them on camera, let alone in focus!

It's quite clear that I will need a bit of practice, but I really enjoyed doing it, especially as my room needs tidying. I have one day left in London, and my room is still messy. Completely typical of me. I'm sure you'll all be amused to hear that Southampton fines you if your room isn't able to be cleaned by the cleaners (my dad was thrilled when he heard this).

Going back to the camera, I discovered it has a setting that allows me to take "miniature photos", an example of which I have posted below. It's my favourite type of photography, and I'll probably be exploring it as well as underwater in the coming weeks.

That's all for now, next time I post I will almost definitely be in Southampton.
See you all in the Christmas holidays,

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