Sunday 18 August 2013

I did it!

As I promised, I set up a blog so you can see what I'm up to when I finally get to university.

I still can't really get over the fact that I am actually going to my first choice university, to study a subject that I have been interested in nearly all my life- and the best part is that I got myself there. I did have help along the way, and I cannot tell you how grateful I am to the people that gave me help, but I still feel a real, genuine sense of achievement. I didn't know I was capable of doing it, but I succeeded!

So, to those of you that don't know where I am going or what I will be studying, I am going to the University of Southampton to study marine biology and oceanography, Bsc. Words cannot express how excited I am. Ask any of my friends and they will tell you how excited I get when I talk about rock pools and nudibranches and other things in the sea, so it seems to be the perfect course for me- even my first word was sea related! (to be honest, though, anything above my head was 'fish' until I knew any other words. My specialty was aeroplanes). The photo below sums up how I feel at the moment:

(It's a ray. I'm not sure what sort, though.)

I have, however, been worrying about sorting out accommodation and enrollment and all that sort of stuff, mainly due to a problem I've had with log-in details, but hopefully that should be sorted out soon.

That's all I have to say for the moment, so I hope you enjoy my upcoming blog!
